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It's Hard Work, But Worth It!

There’s no shortcut to confidence building. I always considered myself to be reasonably self-confident, but my perception was put to the test when I launched BRA-sériē! It was a rude awakening that made me realize I needed some confidence boosting tools myself!

Woman wearing decorative bra straps with pyramid studs and black off the shoulder top, standing in front of a fireplace.

At some point in our lives, we’ve all experienced moments where our confidence has been smashed and had to re-build shattered psyches from the ground up. It’s a gritty and unglamorous process with no final destination – just like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it gets. And, unfortunately, as the saying goes “if you don’t use it, you lose it!”

It’s hard work, but it’s worth it! Pushing through my fears, I have seen my own personal and professional growth. And I have yet to meet anyone else who regrets rising up to the challenge of boosting their own self-confidence!

"When the Magic Happens"

The hardest step in this journey is feeling confident to share our personal stories. However, I believe when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, that's when the magic happens! Every story shared is a chance of growing even stronger and an opportunity to make someone else feel less alone. Ginamarie's story in my latest "Women In Charge" feature is a great example of this.

"Ginamarie is a widow, business owner and mom of eight girls..."

Ginamarie shares how she rebuilt her confidence after practically losing everything. A widow, business owner and mom of eight girls (yep, 8 daughters!) found the confidence to dig her way out to live her best life! Here’s my interview below.

If you would like to learn more about Ginamarie and how she is passionately helping women, visit her website


Woman wearing decorative bra straps with pyramid studs, black off the shoulder top, turned to the side.
Ginamarie is wearing the Silver Studs 3.0 BRA-serie.

As a widowed mother of eight daughters, what continues to give you strength and confidence?

Well first, I know I am valuable because someone died for me. Jesus died for me knowing how I fall short of being perfect every day. My faith is the essence of my confidence.

As far as strength goes? Going through the thing that I feared the most, that I thought would paralyze me, actually propelled me! I had been with my husband for 32 years when he unexpectedly passed away. Leaving me with debt, facing homelessness and the pressure to provide for eight daughters catapulted me into action. I had to believe that this overwhelming responsibility was not only manageable, but I was able to thrive and find joy. That gave me strength I didn’t know I could have.

Click HERE to read the full interview.


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