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Repeat After Me...


Woman wearing decorative bra straps with white lace and black t-shirt off one shoulder and Bra-serie logo, pink flower in hair, sitting down.

As a business owner, wife, and mom, over the last few weeks I've been on an emotional rollercoaster with fear riding in the front car. During this epic health crisis, we're all having to make some tough business and financial decisions just to survive. The fear is real.

However, allowing the fear to take hold of us weakens our immune system. It elevates stress and anxiety leading to less sleep, which eventually causes our bodies to break down. I'm determined to not let this happen and hope you won't too! Remember, we are all more powerful than fear.

In the coming weeks, our emotional health will be tested even further. Be careful what you feed your mind; your body is listening.

Be Safe. Stay Healthy.

Tammi Relyea, Founder BRA-série & WO3


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